New Adult Forum
Upcoming. Watch for details.
Walking Together Workshop
These will be held quarterly. Watch for details.
Walking Together was formed from a Grace Church group that participated in Sacred Ground, a study on race and faith offered by the Episcopal Church. The ministry's mission is to share our own awakening to white privilege and racism in order to pursue racial reconciliation, healing, and justice within our church, our community, and the world at large.
GCS is always in need of donations for our guests.
We've updated our Amazon Wish List with things that we think will definitely help those who have nowhere to go. Check it out HERE.
You can have items shipped directly to the rectory at 268 2nd Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302
Or come by the church Monday, Wednesday, or Friday by 5:00 pm.
Contact our office at office@gracevanvorst.org for more information.
You can find out about other ways to donate to GCS HERE
Used clothing can be donated to Triangle Park. Visit their website HERE for more information.